Not withstanding the provision of the Guidelines for Early Mineral Exploration in Manitoba, it is the responsibility of every prospector, mineral exploration company, manager, and supervisor to comply with all applicable sections of The Mines and Minerals Act, and obtain and maintain all necessary licenses, permits and authorization from the relevant municipal, federal or provincial authorities to ensure mineral exploration activities are in compliance.
The Guidelines for Early Mineral Exploration in Manitoba is a compilation of currently established procedures and known recommended best management practices that, subject to site-specific assessment and adaptation, can be used for activities undertaken during Early Mineral Exploration. It is expected that exploration companies will not only accept and use these practices but also improve and expand on this guide by utilizing field experience, knowledge, and ingenuity.
Use of this guide should complement good planning and the acceptable execution of the exploration program, including decommissioning. The document provides guidance in these areas, but is not the sole resource in Early Mineral Exploration activities and should be used in conjunction with other complimentary documents including the Manitoba Stream Crossing Guidelines for the Protection of Fish and Fish Habitat; the Forest Management Guidelines for Riparian Management Areas; the Guidelines to Avoid Harm to Migratory Birds, the Endangered Species and Ecosystems Act and other resources identified throughout the document should also be reviewed and utilized when appropriate to provide additional details and clarity. The links to the various applicable Acts and Regulations, and other contacts for further information are embedded in the document to provide quick access to essential information.
Should anything contained in this guide conflict with associated Acts & Regulations, provisions of those Acts & Regulations shall prevail.