Wildlife Sensitivities

Pertain to the specific vulnerabilities and ecological requirements of wildlife species within a given area. In the context of permit applications, it involves the systematic evaluation of potential impacts on wildlife populations and habitats caused by proposed activities.

Wildlife Management Areas

Areas where exploitative activities impacting wildlife require permits under Use of Wildlife Lands Regulation.

Water Body

Natural body of water means a river, stream, lake, or wetland historically present in a natural state but may have been physically altered over time.

Vehicle Inspection and Cleaning

Systematic procedures conducted to ensure that vehicles are free from potentially harmful contaminants before entering restricted or environmentally sensitive areas.

Unsurveyed Territory

Areas not divided into legal subdivisions, with specific requirements for Claim shape and size.

Treaty Land Entitlement (TLE)

Crown Land selected or private land acquired by a First Nation under Treaty Land Entitlement Settlement Agreements, not available for mineral dispositions.

Trail (Ice)

A trail built on a frozen waterbody; no timber clearing is required to establish.

Trail (Winter Road)

A trail made by packing and scraping snow from the roadway when the ground and or lakes are frozen. Often for short term use but may be a permanent winter road.

Trail (Seasonal)

Are gravel or dirt trails with minimal or no grading or ditching and that have no scheduled maintenance. They are generally seasonal in nature and may travel through swamp or wet ground to such an extent that truck access requires frost conditions for travel.

Trail (Re-established)

A trail that has typically been previously cleared and have some degree of soil compaction. A trail that has been or is being naturally reclaimed and that may or may not be easily identifiable. These roads may require some form of brushing or clearing (modification) to re-establish access but are still considered to be existing. […]