Claim Posts
Markers placed at Claim corners, indicating ownership and necessary details.
Markers placed at Claim corners, indicating ownership and necessary details.
Often established in the field with flagging tape as a line digitized along the center of a linear geographic feature, such as a tail.
A hole drilled into the ground to explore for minerals or gather scientific data, excluding wells.
Use of explosives, regulated under Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Act and Explosives Act of Canada.
are guidelines that help development projects meet necessary legislation, regulations, and policies, to help improve operations, and typically not written as enforceable.
Area Based approach for Work Permit applications must clearly define areas of interest delineated by a polygon in a shapefile submitted with the application for approval. The intent of identifying an area is to assist in the review process while still providing flexibility in the application. The proposed approach must be approved by the permit […]
A requirement to decontaminate for AIS where an inspector or officer may issue a written order described in subsection (2) of The Water Protection Act to a person who owns, operates, or possesses a conveyance or water-related equipment if the inspector or officer has reasonable grounds to suspect that. (a) it contains or is carrying […]
Areas where specific regulatory measures are enforced to protect against potential environmental harm or the spread of invasive species.
An aquatic invasive species (AIS) can either live in freshwater or marine environments. Most of the species of concern to Manitoba, such as Zebra Mussels, Spiny Waterflea, Rusty Crayfish, Quagga Mussels and Xenocarps, are freshwater species.
Geophysical or Geochemical Survey conducted from an aircraft.